Should members of the
Libertarian Party support Rand Paul this election season? It’s a question making its rounds among
Libertarians and libertarian Republicans.
The answer to that question depends on a person’s conscience.
If you want an answer from me,
folks, I’d say yes. It’s my opinion that
Libertarians should stand with our brothers and sisters in the Republican
Liberty Caucus, for the simple reason that Rand Paul’s message will advance the
libertarian cause. For me, this is above
Party loyalty—I left the Republican Party because “Party loyalty” doesn’t fly
with me.
Not everybody in the LP will
agrees with me on this, and I’m at peace with that. I understand the Party will run its own presidential
candidate or risk irreparable weakness of the organization. Party members and other alienated voters will
vote for that candidate, and they have every right to do so.
My personal strategy walks the
line between the LP and RLC. I’ve been a dues-paying LP member since March of
2014, but I’m still registered to vote as a Republican. I’ll hold onto my GOP registration (and hold
my nose in the meantime) so I can vote for Rand in the primary election. The minute my vote is cast, I’m changing my
voter registration to Libertarian.
Regardless of Rand making it to
the general election (God willing he does), I’m changing my registration the
minute my primary vote is cast or the minute he ceases to be a presidential
candidate—whichever comes first.
Yes, I understand that Rand
Paul is not libertarian. He never
claimed to be—we just wanted him to be. But his
old-school brand of Goldwater conservatism contains enough libertarianism that
his presidential candidacy would be an asset to the liberty movement.
Who else filibustered for 13
hours over the government assassinating American citizens? Who keeps introducing Audit the Fed into the
Senate? How many ranking Republicans
have been saying that national defense probably
shouldn’t involve going to war just for the hell of it?
Even his most recent stunt calling
for increased defense spending, paired with budget cuts of equal weight, was a
successful effort to troll neoconservatives into looking like the liberal
spenders they really are.
By the end of his campaigning,
more Americans will be “conservatarian,” guaranteed. Making people less neoconservative and more
conservatarian is not a failure to make them libertarian.
I, Zach Foster, never would have
become libertarian or a student of Murray Rothbard if it wasn’t for the
breathing room I had being a conservatarian in my transition away from being a young
Not everyone who votes for Rand
Paul will be libertarian. I understand
that. Rand will have to look more and
more Republican as Super Tuesday draws near.
I understand that, too. He has to
play the game, and is playing it a lot better than his father did.
Some neocons turned
paleoconservative will require more time to become conservatarian, and still
more time to become full-out libertarian, but every step forward is one step
closer to a freer society.
I believe that more people will
be libertarian after Rand Paul’s candidacy.
Many Party members will join me in campaigning for Rand, and I think
that’s wonderful.
Other LP members have no room
for Republicans in their vision of the ideal liberty movement. There’s nothing wrong with that, as long as
they work on building up the
Libertarian Party instead of tearing down
libertarian Republicans.
For me, the Rand Paul campaign
is about living free by helping others to see that they have an equal right to
live free and can’t terminate my right to do the same.
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