One of the
increasingly learned-of and identifiable trends within the liberty movement can
be classified as a very distinct sub-group: creepertarians. Like their
non-creepertarian contemporaries in the liberty movement, these fellows heavily
subscribe to libertarian ideas and have quite often proven themselves to be
able and willing volunteers for activism.
Yet they also serve as detractors for the movement. Ron
Paul Problems describes these fellows in social
scientific terms:
[Noun]. A subset of individuals found in
the American ‘liberty movement’. Usually male, though this is not always the
case. A creepertarian is any socially awkward person in the movement that shows
traits of an internet stalker.
in excess on Facebook… Up to 80% of
libertarian males show at least latent signs of creepertarianism — excessive
liking of Facebook content, or ‘hovering’ while in public. Hovering
creepertarians are unlikely to actually make any verbal contribution to the
conversations which they are standing in proximity of— but they’ll stare
enthusiastically, and breath heavily. Some also avoid eye contact. They may
recount their observations to you later, over a Facebook private message.
RPP also describes a rarer species of female
creepertarians but, since they only creep on libertarian celebrities and not
regular people, no one cares. Here are two plain-and-simple ways that creepertarians cause damage to the
liberty movement:
1) They creep on attractive
libertarian women volunteers, thus causing
said women to become creeped out, stop showing up to volunteer, and in effect
cause half the guys to stop volunteering as well since they can no longer wake
up in the morning expecting to hit on a real live girl at the YAL meeting or
the campaign office. The harmony/sexual
harassment homeostasis is ruined.
2) Even
worse, they go out to do real activism
and creep on potential converts (current non-libertarian women), thus
thoroughly creeping them out, irreparably scarring them for life, and forever
alienating them from the liberty movement.
Said women will then proceed to inform everyone they know that
libertarians and “Paulbots” are not only phenomenally rude and obnoxious on
Facebook, but also very likely sex offenders.
If any
gentleman (and I use the term liberally) reading this be a creepertarian, or
suspect himself of having creepertarian tendencies, I have the following advice:
STOP BEING A CREEPER!!! Seriously, don’t stalk and don’t hover. Limit yourself to only one private message
per week. Don’t try to mix activism with
dating; you can date a fellow activist but leave all the flirting and the PDAs
for personal time. Don’t dip your pen in
company ink, or as one of my NCOs used to say, “Don’t shit where you eat.” It’s that simple.
"How many times do I have to say it? STOP creeping!" --Rand |
If the women
you’re creeping on—or multiple women, since you probably have low standards—is
already a genuine friend of yours and
you suspect you’re stuck in the “Friend Zone,” see a self-help article I wrote
a while ago titled “Get
Out of the Friend Zone!”. However, if there’s a chance she’s not really
your friend but just tolerating you for the good of the campaign or the YAL/SFL
chapter, just give up and walk away.
Sure, you may think that’s impossible because you’re in love and
blah-blah-blah, but think about it this way: Your creeping and alienation of women both within and without the
liberty movement will COST votes for Rand’s 2016 presidential run.
Should it ever occur that Rand lost a state primary
or caucus by just a few votes in one precinct, and that precinct happened to
have a creepertarian a-creeping in abundance, I shall slay thee in a manner
like unto the Samurai of old.
Are you still
in denial? Let’s take the opportunity to
clear something up. See if you (or
anyone you know) fit any the following:
· If
you’ve ever been deleted and/or blocked on Facebook/Twitter by a woman you’ve met through the
liberty movement, you might be a creepertarian.
· If
more than once some guy has had to tell you at a Ron Paul-related event, “Dude,
that’s my girlfriend/wife,” you might be a creepertarian.
· If
you weren’t invited to go to the bar with her group after a political event yet
you just happen to be at that bar and
near her table, you might be a creepertarian.
· If
a YAL/SFL/YFP officer has ever told you “Just because you’re into Ron Paul and
she’s into Ron Paul does not mean
she’s into you,” you might be a creepertarian.
· If
she happens to be a new libertarian or simply a conservative who likes the
Pauls but you’re convinced that you and only you can convert her to
anarcho-capitalism, you might be a creepertarian.
· If
you wear blazers and bow-ties that make you look like you jumped out of the
year 1911 and are not a published
author from LI or the Mises Institute, you might be a creepertarian.
· If
you’ve ever begun a sentence with “I’m looking for my Carol Paul…” you might be
a creepertarian.
· If
you’ve ever resembled the butt of a joke on Ron Paul Problems, you might be a
Gentlemen, if
you think you might be a creepertarian and seriously want to reform yourself, I
commend you. I recommend the following
· Be
completely honest with yourself and make a list of all the possible ways you
could have come across as creepy. Also take
note of the women to whom you radiated those vibes.
· Stay
AWAY from those women. Keep your
distance. Let them approach you.
· Have
your sister, cousin, or not-creeped-out female friend help you pick out new
clothes that neither make you look like Captain Sweatpants nor the Vienna
school professors circa 1890. You can
find something you like without looking like a social outcast.
· Read
any book by Neil Strauss or Chris Odom.
Re-read them, take them to heart, and put their theories to practice. Also check out a great self-help book called Asshole-ology: The Science Behind Getting Your Way and Getting Away With It. Never forget the difference between an asshole and a douche bag.
· Work
out on a regular basis, at least 2-3 times a week. Slim down and tone up. Just don’t end up looking like a Jersey Shore
· Don’t
mix dating with work or activism.
· Spend
ten minutes a day reading up on popular culture so you have something other
than the Austrian Business Cycle Theory to talk about in case you find yourself
in conversation with (*gasp!*) a woman.
![]() |
"...A martini, shaken, not stirred." --A non-creeper |
importantly, learn how to read body language and be able to take “NO” for an
answer. If she’s not interested, move
onto another woman who might actually be interested. If anything, try to be like Rand Paul with
your swag. The less you talk, the more
mysterious you seem. Even if you have a
monotone voice that puts you in stark contrast with your father’s high-pitched,
arm-waving rants, you can still know what the hell you’re talking about and
then make an interesting point or tell a good story. “So then I said: Don’t tell the Tang family
they didn’t build that!” [*laughter, much
applause*] Best of all, be cool, maintain the aura of being in charge, and always
leave your friends and the ladies wanting more.
Liberty really can be sexy.
* * *
Man with binoculars photo by Ante Perkovic and used via CC BY-SA 3.0 license. Rand Paul photo by Gage Skidmore and used via CC BY-SA 2.0 license. Martini photo by N. Renaud and used via CC BY-SA 2.0 license. All images obtained from Wikimedia Commons. Man, you have no idea how much I wished I could use a photo of James Bond without MGM and the Ian Fleming estate simultaneously jumping down my throat like argumentative Ron Paul supporters on Facebook. IP: such is the cross I bear. *sigh*
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