I fully expected Mitt Romney to lose
and, frankly, I don’t sympathize with all my fellow Republicans who couldn’t
see this epic failure chugging around the mountain. After twice losing to Barack Obama, I’m
mildly surprised the RNC members aren’t committing mass ritual suicide like the
Romulans do whenever they lose a battle to Picard. Oh well.
Being a dedicated Ron Paul supporter, my
vision for “restoring America” (whatever that means) stretches farther than one
dumb election cycle. I think most voters
must have political ADD and serious Alzheimer’s disease since they’re all
convinced this election is “the most important election of our time.” Whatever, dudes, I’m not even 24 and I’ve
already seen at least 4 or 5 of those, not even counting the midterms. DGAF.
However, I was genuinely taken aback by
the fact that every election I actually supported was crushed harder than the
hopes and dreams of a 12-year-old girl who didn’t make the dance team, in part
because her parents never told her she had all the grace of a dodo bird bred by
Doctor Moreau. Not one of my
personal friends or heroes was elected.
Even though I’m not joining fellow
Republicans—still mourning Romney’s candidacy—in committing hara-kiri for
disgracing Ronald Reagan, this election was a giant falcon punch even for me.
I was already over the RNC punching me
in the heart through their destruction of Ron Paul’s candidacy, and I’d picked
up the pieces and taken my leftover time and energy to campaign for a friend of
mine running for Congress, another friend running for State Assembly, and
another buddy running for the Colorado legislature. All wiped out and in the 60s-30s margin. Ouch!
Since 2008 the GOP had been obnoxiously
crying “This is madness!” and the Democrats responded with a kick to the
stomach and the words “This is SPARTA!!!”

Since I’ve already surrendered all
my journalistic credibility to the idol of Star Wars fandom, I might as well
continue with this political fanboy metaphor.
Like Yoda and the few remaining Jedi at the end of Episode III, I can
finally go into exile from politics and enjoy my PlayStation for the first time
in 8 months.
Better yet, the best is yet to
come! We in the “greater liberty
movement” have reason to look to a new hope: Rand Paul 2016!
[Some people call this a “man crush.” Whatevah, whatevah, I do what I want!]
* * *
Election image courtesy of "DonkeyHotey" via Wikimedia Commons under license CC BY-SA 2.0.
Star Wars GIF courtesy of Ron Paul Problems. Star Wars is the property of George Lucas and Lucasfilm, Ltd. Or Disney by now. Or the Chinese government. Nobody really knows. I'm beginning to care less and less.
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